Privacy Policy

GamingUnivers LTD information statement

GamingUnivers Limited, a London company with a company number 12410193, 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, England, WC2H 9JQ is a Personal Data Controller („the Controller”):

  1. The Controllers representative is contact details:
  2. Personal data are processed in order to provide the services to the user and perform the contract and its settlement. Personal data are also processed for the marketing purposes of the Controller or third parties, sending newsletters pursuant to the users consent, as well as in connection with the legitimate interest pursued by the Controller namely marketing of its own products and services, post-sale customer services.
  3. The recipients of the Personal data may be the entities providing below mentioned services:
    – marketing,
    – customer support,
    – sales,
    – payments
    – as well as public authorities to which Personal data is transferred due to legal regulations.
  4. The Controller does not intend to transfer Personal data to a third country or international organisation.
  5. Personal data will be processed during the implementation of a goal for which they have been collected, until the expiry of claims associated with the user or in the case when the processing of data is necessary in order to seek claims or defend against claims, which is a legally justified interest of the Controller, as well until the newsletter will be available or until the consent will be withdrawn.
  6. You have the right to:
    – to request the access to and rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing concerning the data subject or to object to processing or to raise an objection to the processing, as well as the right to data portability,
    – where the processing is based on art. 6 par. 1 letter a) or art. 9 par. 2 letter a)- to withdraw the consent to the processing at any time; without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal,
    – not being subject to automated decision making, including profiling,
    – to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.
  7. Providing the data is a requirement necessary to enter into an agreement and carry out the transaction. Providing the data is voluntary. The consequence of not providing required Personal data is lack of possibility to use the functionalities of our marketplace, to finalize transaction. In case of the consent for marketing purposes granted by the user the consequence of not giving such consent will be the inability to receive information regarding the services offered by the Controller or third parties in the form of a newsletter or any other form.
  8. Your personal data will not be processed in an automated way.
  9. After processing the Personal data for the original purpose such data will not be processed for any other purpose without users consent.